We are not asking for any financial support

Our idea is to offer a place that inspires and uplifts the spirit of man.  No money is asked for.  It requires nothing more than God's guidance and the love of all who share the same hope.


Your own kindness will help you grow into a person loved by God.

However, if you are moved to offer financial support, we ask that you seek out a trusted companion and both of you take a walk around your own local community.

We are sure you will come across many opportunities to show your love and generosity to those in your own community who would appreciate a little kindness - Matt 5:16


Gifts of kindness, out of a sincere heart (the importance of a good heart is mentioned over 700 times in scripture) is one of the purest forms of love we can show - Proverbs 4:23, Matt 5:8.


Open your copy of the Bible and read what Jesus said at Matthew 6:1-4

1 When you do good deeds, don't try to show off. If you do, you won't get a reward from your Father in heaven.

3When you give to the poor, don't let anyone know about it. 4Then your gift will be given in secret. Your Father knows what is done in secret and will reward you.